"Manga "Darling in the FranXX" is set in a distant future where the Earth is in ruins and humanity is under constant threat from giant mysterious life forms called kyo or "roaring dragons." To combat them, humans have created mobile fortifications called Plantations, where young pilots called Parasites are grown and trained to operate giant robots called Franxx. The sole purpose of these children's lives is to undergo special training and destroy the kyo. However, piloting a Franxx requires a pair: a male and a female, referred to as the "stamen" and the "pistil." If one of them fails, both lose their status as pilots, which means losing their will to live as well.
Hiro was considered gifted until he failed an exam alongside his partner. He felt like a bird that could never take flight, until he met a girl with a similar fate. She is a "partner killer," a horned girl with kyo blood running through her veins. She asks him, "Will you be my darling?" not as a joke, but seriously. Suddenly, Hiro finds a place for himself in this world once again...
Please note that the volume numbering is incorrect! Related manga include: 1. Darling in the FranXX (2017), 2. Darling in the FranXX! (4-koma) (2018)."
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