Manga "The Lying Marriage" (also known as "Фальшивая свадьба" or "Usotsuki Marriage") tells the story of Narumi, a dreamer who is always lost in her own thoughts. While she may seem flighty, she is extremely talented when it comes to floristry. Narumi's lifelong dream is to become skilled in creating beautiful wedding flower arrangements. She envisions herself getting married to the love of her life in a picturesque church adorned with her own hand-picked flowers and bathed in sunlight.
However, Narumi's dreams take an unexpected turn when she finds herself having to wear a wedding dress for the sake of a contract. Forced into a fake marriage, she must pretend to be in love with a man she barely knows. As she navigates through this complex situation, she begins to question her true feelings and the meaning of love.
The story unfolds with a mix of humor, romance, and a hint of drama. Narumi's determination to pursue her dream of becoming a successful florist is put to the test as she tries to maintain this fake marriage while secretly longing for something deeper and more genuine. Along the way, she encounters various obstacles, misunderstandings, and unexpected emotions that challenge her perspective on love and relationships.
As Narumi interacts more with her fake husband, she begins to uncover his own secrets and insecurities. Their gradual bonding and development of a genuine connection become the heart of the story. Through their shared experiences, they learn about trust, vulnerability, and the importance of being true to oneself.
"The Lying Marriage" explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the pursuit of dreams. It also delves into the complexities of human emotions and the unpredictability of life. With its charming artwork and relatable characters, this manga captures the essence of romance while also highlighting the importance of personal growth and authenticity.
Overall, "The Lying Marriage" is a captivating manga that will keep readers hooked as they follow Narumi's journey of finding love and fulfilling her dreams, even if it means taking a detour through a fake marriage.
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Uzery Kelling, пропавшие главы вернулись и дополнились =) А так же починена 36
ДИАНА МАШУКОВА, думаю, это другой перевод, но вот как его сменить, не знаю