The Nightmare of Fabrication (1998) is a manga that tells the story of a young girl named Lain who is constantly plagued by loneliness and a lack of understanding from those around her. With her cyberpunk mindset, she comes up with a solution to her problems: she decides to bring her plush toy to life by attaching wires to it.
However, things do not go as planned for Lain. As her creation comes to life, it becomes apparent that there is something sinister at play. The plush toy begins to exhibit unusual behaviors and shows signs of a dark presence within it. Lain finds herself trapped in a nightmarish situation as she tries to control the entity she has unwittingly unleashed.
As the story unfolds, Lain is drawn deeper into a world of fabrication and experimentation. She discovers that the lines between reality and the virtual world are blurred, and she must navigate through a series of twisted events to uncover the truth behind her creation.
The Nightmare of Fabrication is a gripping manga that explores themes of isolation, identity, and the consequences of tampering with technology. It delves into the darker side of the cyberpunk genre, immersing readers in a surreal and unsettling world. The artwork is atmospheric and eerie, perfectly capturing the sense of unease that permeates the story.
Overall, The Nightmare of Fabrication is a thought-provoking and intense manga that will leave readers questioning the nature of reality and the boundaries of human existence. It is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and cyberpunk stories.
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Uzery Kelling, пропавшие главы вернулись и дополнились =) А так же починена 36
ДИАНА МАШУКОВА, думаю, это другой перевод, но вот как его сменить, не знаю
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