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Neo Parasite / Нео Паразит / Neo Kiseijuu

Манга · 2014 · Завершен
Всего просмотров 570
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"Manga Review: Neo Parasite / Нео Паразит / Neo Kiseijuu 2014" Neo Parasite is a collection of individual stories by various mangakas, all of which are connected to the manga world of "Parasite" and are published in the monthly magazine Afternoon. The manga begins with a brief introduction to the world of Parasite, a popular manga series from 1990. It then moves on to the main focus of the collection, Neo Parasite, which features new and original stories set in the same universe. Each story in Neo Parasite is written and illustrated by a different mangaka, which gives the collection a diverse and unique feel. The stories are all connected to the themes of parasites and the dark side of human nature, exploring the concept of what it means to be a parasite, physically and metaphorically. One of the standout stories in Neo Parasite is "The Girl and the Dog-Headed Boy" by Hiroki Endo. The story follows a young girl who befriends a boy with a dog's head, and explores the themes of acceptance and the fear of the unknown. The art in this story is stunning, with detailed illustrations that perfectly capture the emotions of the characters. Another notable story is "Parasite -Neo Kiseijuu-" by Hitoshi Iwaaki. This story takes place in a future where parasites have taken over human bodies and are fighting a war against each other. The story is action-packed and filled with intense moments, showcasing the mangaka's talent for creating thrilling and suspenseful scenes. Overall, Neo Parasite is a captivating collection of stories that expands on the world of Parasite. It explores different perspectives and themes related to parasites and the consequences of their existence. The art is top-notch throughout, with each mangaka bringing their own style and vision to the stories. Whether you're a fan of the original Parasite manga or new to the series, Neo Parasite is definitely worth checking out.
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