Manga "Touhou Sangetsusei - Oriental Sacred Place" is the fifth installment in the "Touhou Sangetsusei" series, following the events of "Strange and Bright Nature Deity". This manga was released in 2009 and is written and illustrated by Makoto Hirasaka.
The story revolves around the inhabitants of Gensokyo, a world separate from the human realm. Gensokyo is a land filled with supernatural beings, including humans, youkai (magical creatures), and otherworldly creatures. The manga follows the adventures of various characters, including Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, and the three fairies of light: Sunny Milk, Luna Child, and Star Sapphire.
In "Touhou Sangetsusei - Oriental Sacred Place", the characters find themselves embarking on a new series of mishaps and adventures. The manga explores the daily lives of the characters and their interactions with each other. The story also delves deeper into the lore and history of Gensokyo, revealing more about its mysterious inhabitants and their pasts.
One of the main plot points in this installment is the discovery of a sacred shrine located deep within the mountains of Gensokyo. This sacred place holds a powerful artifact that is said to grant any wish. Naturally, this revelation sparks the interest of our protagonists, who set out on a journey to claim the artifact for themselves.
As the story progresses, the characters encounter various challenges and obstacles, including rival factions and powerful adversaries. They must rely on their wits, skills, and teamwork to overcome these challenges and fulfill their goals. Along the way, they also learn more about themselves and develop stronger bonds with each other.
The artwork in "Touhou Sangetsusei - Oriental Sacred Place" is vibrant and visually stunning, capturing the magical essence of Gensokyo. The manga combines beautiful character designs with dynamic action scenes, creating a visually captivating reading experience.
Overall, "Touhou Sangetsusei - Oriental Sacred Place" is an engaging and entertaining manga that will appeal to fans of the "Touhou Project" series. With its colorful characters, exciting adventures, and intriguing storyline, this manga is a must-read for anyone interested in the world of Gensokyo and its mystical inhabitants.
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