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После реинкарнации я не хочу читерить!

Манга · 2015 · Завершен
Всего просмотров 281
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"Misugu, I Don't Want to Cheat After Reincarnation!" (2015) is a manga that revolves around the life of Mira, a girl who finds herself peacefully living in a fantasy world, until a blow to her head triggers partial memories of her previous life in Japan. As is often the case with reincarnation stories, the protagonist is faced with challenges, and Mira is determined to avoid them at all costs. However, her plans are thwarted when she is required to take the entrance exam for a magical academy, and her cheat abilities are discovered. The manga delves into Mira's journey as a reincarnated girl who, against her wishes, possesses cheat-like powers. Lacking the desire to rely on these powers, Mira strives to navigate the magical academy and its challenges using her own abilities. She aims to carve her own path without taking advantage of her cheat skills, much to the surprise and curiosity of those around her. Written by an author who unfortunately seems to have abandoned the series, "Misugu, I Don't Want to Cheat After Reincarnation!" offers readers a glimpse into its fascinating concept through the available chapters. The story explores themes of identity, personal growth, and the desire to create one's own destiny despite the advantages or disadvantages present. While the manga may be incomplete and the future of the story uncertain, the existing chapters provide an entertaining and thought-provoking narrative. Mira's determination and reluctance to rely on her cheat abilities add depth to her character, and readers are intrigued by her choices and the consequences she faces. The artwork complements the story well, bringing the fantasy world and its characters to life. Although readers may feel disappointed by the lack of closure or progression in the storyline, "Misugu, I Don't Want to Cheat After Reincarnation!" still offers an enjoyable read for fans of the isekai (reincarnation) genre. It serves as a reminder that even in a world filled with extraordinary abilities, it is one's own strength and determination that truly define them. In conclusion, "Misugu, I Don't Want to Cheat After Reincarnation!" presents an intriguing premise within the isekai genre. While the manga may be unfinished, it manages to captivate readers with its relatable protagonist and her defiance of convention. Despite its limitations, the available chapters offer a glimpse into a world where personal growth and self-discovery take precedence over relying on cheat-like abilities.
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